Perfectly Imperfect Blog

Imperfect Blog is a title that has been on my mind for about a year now. I had slowed down in my blogging last summer because I caught myself caring more about sounding smart than sharing from my heart. I was more focused on where I could publish my article for the best visibility than [...]

By |2017-07-14T01:10:58-05:00June 30th, 2017|Blog Posts|9 Comments

How a Young Cancer Survivor Can Shift Our Perspective for the New Year

Happy New Year! I hope your first few days of 2017 have been blessed and contemplative. What went well? What would you do differently? What did you learn? What do you want to be true one year from now? Three years? What do we feel good about and where do we need to shift perspective? [...]

By |2019-08-12T20:30:55-05:00January 5th, 2017|Blog Posts|Comments Off on How a Young Cancer Survivor Can Shift Our Perspective for the New Year

Choices: What Do I WANT to Do Today?

From December 8 in "Finding the Gift: Daily Meditations for Mindfulness." Have you ever asked yourself, What do I need to get done today? In other words, what do I need to have finished today?  Past tense. Fast tense. I do, and often. I just realized that reflects how I feel a lot of the [...]

By |2017-07-14T01:10:59-05:00December 8th, 2016|Blog Posts, Featured|Comments Off on Choices: What Do I WANT to Do Today?

Perfectionism: A Perfect Enemy

Hello friends, I hope you are Finding the Gift today! I haven't blogged in a long time. Some of you know I lost my baby brother, Jubal, to suicide on August 7, a terrible blow to my family and his huge circle of friends and music fans. I have felt incredible pressure to write the [...]

By |2017-07-14T01:11:00-05:00October 24th, 2016|Blog Posts|Comments Off on Perfectionism: A Perfect Enemy

To Save a Mockingbird

Tis the season for nests and baby birds everywhere! We were fortunate when a finch family nested in the floral arrangement hanging on our front storm door. We had first row seats to all the action, and the lessons were abundant. I also had an encounter with a baby mockingbird who took a premature fall, [...]

By |2017-07-14T01:11:00-05:00June 21st, 2016|Blog Posts|Comments Off on To Save a Mockingbird

The Ups and Downs of Finding the Gift

Hello FTG Friends, As my good friend Todd Cecil would say, I hope you all are smiling wherever you are in the world today! Ups and Downs Are Guaranteed and Necessary This week has had some wonderful developments and yet, has also been exceptionally challenging on a personal level. Have you ever felt like dancing [...]

By |2017-07-14T01:11:01-05:00April 8th, 2016|Blog Posts|Comments Off on The Ups and Downs of Finding the Gift

How to Stop Seeing Life as a Victim

Half empty? Half full? Or maybe someone forgot to pour you a glass? My past involved a lot of chaos and trauma and more than once, I've been a victim of unfortunate circumstance. However, I’ve come to realize that my suffering isn’t that much different than anyone else’s. We all have obstacles to overcome and [...]

By |2017-07-14T01:11:01-05:00March 22nd, 2016|Blog Posts|Comments Off on How to Stop Seeing Life as a Victim

A Reader Had Me in Tears

A few days ago, I received a private message from someone who purchased my new book, Finding the Gift: Daily Meditations for Mindfulness. I was just floored and with permission, have to share and comment. To protect anonymity, I will change certain details. Reader writes, "I ordered your book. I made it through the acknowledgments [...]

By |2017-07-14T01:11:06-05:00November 17th, 2015|Blog Posts|Comments Off on A Reader Had Me in Tears

The Heat Is On!

Our bodies are such amazing, complex systems, constantly regenerating and renewing themselves. A while back, I had surgery on my knee and in the acute healing process, this knee was very warm to the touch when compared to my healthy knee. I could literally feel how hard my body was working to heal itself. This [...]

By |2017-07-14T01:11:08-05:00September 10th, 2015|Blog Posts|Comments Off on The Heat Is On!

Eating Disorders and College Students

Eating Disorders are rampant on college campuses. According to this article from The Seattle Times, key warning signs of eating disorders include: •Dramatic weight loss •Preoccupation with food •Excuses to avoid mealtimes •A rigid, extreme exercise regime, despite bad weather, injury, illness or fatigue Click the link to read the full article so you can [...]

By |2017-07-14T01:11:15-05:00November 10th, 2014|Articles and Resources|Comments Off on Eating Disorders and College Students
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