Angela Howell is a dynamic keynote speaker and trainer, educating and inspiring diverse audiences. Angela draws insight from more than twenty years in recovery from an eating disorder, combined with her award-winning corporate sales career and life-long, personal development quest. Topics include: life fulfillment, overcoming adversity, shifting perspective, gratitude, recovery issues, balanced living, spirituality, mindfulness, personal growth, achieving goals and mastering a winning mindset. Watch the video to the left to see some highlights and examples of her keynote speeches.
To book Angela for your next event or to request more information, please contact Angela. She has a variety of keynotes and topics that you can choose from, depending on the focus of your event. To see what other event planners and attendees are saying, please read their comments below.
Angela’s most-requested keynotes (can be customized for audience and session length):
Finding the Gift: Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Perspective™
Be encouraged and inspired as Angela shares with refreshing authenticity about the life lessons that put her on the path of personal healing and growth. Feel renewed as your eyes are opened to discovering what is already wonderful inside us and around us. Angela’s journey resulted in Finding the Gift: Daily Meditations for Mindfulness, her handbook for life. Using metaphors from the most unlikely places, Angela will challenge your group to transition from merely surviving, to thriving!
Ideal audience: corporate wellness, small business/entrepreneurs, recovery/disability, women’s events, life transition (job loss, divorce, grief), book clubs, service groups, non-profits, underserved communities
“Angela Howell was the keynote speaker for our Spring Premier Event. She was spot on with her message and combining that with the mission of WISE (We Inspire, Support and Empower). I loved her real-life examples and suggestions for taking action. Angela Howell was the clear choice for us and the best speaker our organization has had!” – Kristen Hale, VP Events & Programming, WISE, Inc.
Suffering is Ordinary: Opening the Gift of Adversity
“Suffering is ordinary!” That’s a hard pill to swallow for most people, especially those in recovery and others who have faced adversity. But it’s a necessary one if we want to transition away from an identity of dis-ease, dys-function and dis-order. During her session, Angela challenges her participants to become grateful for their pasts, to explore why they’re still here, and to “find the gift” in everything, even when life is gift-wrapped in obstacles. Angela will share these truths using stories from her personal experiences and more than twenty years in recovery from anorexia and bulimia. She will leave your audience full of joy and hope!
Ideal audience: women’s events, recovery, chronic illness/disability, life transition (job loss, divorce, grief), underserved youth and communities
“Angela is very knowledgeable with a wide range of expertise. She recently spoke at our women’s event with over 250 attendees. Many of the guests visited her table, purchased her book and spoke with her. I felt that she was a great addition to our speaker pool that day. I’ve heard from many ladies that her speech encouraged and blessed them.” – Amanda Roberts, Founder of the Ball in the Fall
Courage to Birth Dreams
When a work injury ended her career as an award-winning, corporate sales rep, Angela Howell had to re-create the rest of her life. Starting with a list of skills and a few coincidences, Angela became a successful entrepreneur as a professional photographer and network marketer, and now author, speaker, and coach. Even before her injury, she felt trapped in her career but afraid to do anything about it. Learn how to rise above societal norms and the pesky mental chatter that persuades you to stay in your predictable comfy box. What? Don’t know what your dreams even are? Not to worry, they may be buried, but you will learn how to excavate them. You can re-create your life too. It’s never too late to explore new ways to be fulfilled and to find the courage to birth new dreams!
Ideal audience: entrepreneurs, recovery/disability, women’s events, life transition (job loss, divorce, grief)
“Angela Howell was invited to speak at one of our local leadership luncheons and they just loved her. From the moment she started talking, Angela had their undivided attention. Her knowledge not only of sales but specifically of network marketing and what our distributors need to do to succeed and how to overcome the obstacles they face were extremely helpful. Her life lessons from every day metaphors opened our eyes to insights in such a meaningful way. I’ve been in the business a long time but I was nodding my head too, saying, “Wow, that’s really good!”
We all had a great time and could have listened to her all day. I decided to purchase books for all my leaders who were present. For less than $20, Angela’s daily encouragement and specific instructions and how-to’s are a great resource going forward and something team leaders can talk about with their people. My leaders loved her so much that we immediately invited her to speak at one of our regional training events. Angela Howell has a relevant story and engaging presentation style and I would highly recommend her to any audience and especially the network marketing industry.” – Melody McFarlane, It Works Global, Ambassador Diamond
How to Create A Life Worth Having™ (Using Everything You’ve Already Got)
Yes, there really is more to life than this! But your best thinking got you here, so if you want something different, you’ve got to do something different. For starters, your mental software may be seriously outdated, requiring an immediate upgrade! In these sessions, you will:
• Explore negative beliefs about yourself.
• Examine your money mindset.
• Assess life balance in eight key areas, using “The Wheel of Fortune.”
• Find out how to use envy as a tool for leading a more fulfilling life.
• Discover what you would do, if you could do anything!
Using her nine-module coaching curriculum, Angela Howell will customize a keynote speech, workshop or weekend conference using her guided exercises to reveal specific steps toward creating A Life Worth Having™. Session(s) can be tailored for various time constraints, from one hour to several days.
Ideal audience: corporate wellness, entrepreneurs, recovery/disability, women’s events, life transition (job loss, divorce, grief)
“When I asked Angela to be a guest speaker at my Rise Up Women’s Retreat, I knew our attendees would fall in love with her spirit! Not only does Angela give her heart and soul as a speaker, she brings forth an unapologetic, yet undeniably relatable truth, just as she does on each and every page of her book. There is not a woman who can’t relate to Angela! She truly embodies living authentically and inspires us all to do the same!” – Amy Weber, Founder, Releve One and Creator of THE pow{h}er METHOD
A Mindful Employee is a Productive Employee: Why it Pays to Pay Attention
Presenteeism—I’m here, but I’m not all here—is a powerful foe in the workplace. How are you helping your employees find daily fulfillment and balance? Investing in your number one asset creates a win-win situation for everyone. Less stress, illness and mental fatigue (i.e. burnout prevention), boosts in memory and cognitive flexibility, and increased creativity and problem-solving all have a favorable impact on overall company success. In your session, Angela will use real life situations, with a proper dose of humor, to reveal the need to become more mindful. She will teach simple, daily steps for developing a mindfulness practice anyone can implement immediately. Despite her success in corporate sales, Angela experienced major burnout as a result of not incorporating more balance and mindfulness into each day. She will help your employees “find the gift” again, at work and in life.
Ideal audience: corporate wellness
“I have seen Angela speak on several occasions. She always delivers her message with heart and humor leaving a memorable impact on her audience!” – Tami West, PhD
How My Eating Disorder Saved My Life
Angela Howell has long been on the road to personal freedom. She survived an early life of chaos, which led to a lengthy battle with anorexia and bulimia, including a total of twenty-four weeks inpatient over seven years and three separate hospitalizations. Angela credits a team of healthcare professionals plus twelve-step recovery for saving her life, not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well. She will share her compelling story of triumph with your group to spread a message of hope, because she still remembers what it was like to have none. Angela will also provide eating disorder awareness education and prevention strategies. Attendees will leave the session changed, after an up close and personal view into a life seriously impacted by an eating disorder. They will be equipped with the knowledge of how to spot the signs and symptoms of ED in themselves, or someone they care about. If they are in relationship with someone struggling with ED, they will have a better understanding of what is helpful and what is not.
Ideal audience: eating disorders awareness and educational settings, recovery
“Angela has volunteered for the EDCT Speakers Bureau since 2007. She has shared her story and given Eating Disorder Awareness presentations at various schools and colleges on our behalf. We always hear great feedback about her impact, delivery and professionalism, and appreciate her dedication to our organization as a volunteer!” – Kathleen Yabroudy, Executive Director at Eating Disorders Coalition of Tennessee
The Body Project
The Body Project is supported by more research than any other body image program and has been found to reduce the onset of eating disorders. As described at, the Body Project is “a dissonance-based body-acceptance program designed to help high school girls and college-age women resist cultural pressures to conform to the thin-ideal standard of female beauty and reduce their pursuit of unhealthy thinness.” To date, the Body Project has been delivered to over 200,000 young women. Angela Howell is a trained facilitator for the Body Project, which can be presented in (2) two-hour sessions or (4) one-hour sessions. The ideal group size is eight to fourteen participants.
Ideal audience: women’s groups, high school and college students, athletes, women in recovery
“The Body Project helped me love and accept my body faster then ten therapy sessions!” – Jessica K.
Running from Church to Find God (and How He Brought Me Home)
Have you given up on God? Have you been hurt by church and well-meaning Christians? Do you consider spirituality and religion to mean the same thing, with both to be avoided at all costs? Angela Howell will share her extraordinary journey inside Christianity—from her early life as part of a radical ministry, caravanning from state to state, to many other extreme religious experiences, to becoming a God-hater, to finally finding spiritual peace and coming home. Angela will help encourage you in your own faith journey, while helping you redefine what spirituality means to you. She will guide you to understanding the importance of nurturing your spirit—the God-given spark He put inside you that makes you unique and sets you apart from everyone else. Renew your passion to be in God’s presence, just you and Him, leaving all the junk from the past behind. Angela found a bridge home that worked for her and she will help you come home too.
Ideal audience: recovery, spiritual, faith
“Angela Howell’s message is one of victory, perseverance and strength, which gives hope to any listener who has ever doubted their own self-worth or purpose. She speaks directly from her own life experience without sugar-coating the difficulties along the way to freedom. She motivates, encourages and inspires with a powerful voice of authority and wisdom. Angela is a gifted speaker, a ’10,’ and I would definitely want to hear her speak again! She is very articulate, engaging, and has a very strong presence. It’s clear that her professional background has helped her hone her speaking skills but more than this, she is transparent and authentic. I think listeners can clearly see her struggles are true and her passion to share what she has learned is heartfelt.” – Kathleen Johnson
What More Event Planners Are Saying:
“I first heard Angela Howell speak at a local women’s conference and was the door prize recipient of her book, ‘Finding the Gift.’ I knew within a few pages that my MLM family needed to be blessed by her insight. Her gift of taking everyday life moments to reveal lifelong discoveries was very inspiring. Angela came to one of our regional training events as our premier speaker for the evening. Her overcoming story of hope and success, not just in business but in life, was an inspiration to all. From my view in the room, all eyes were upon Angela and bodies were leaning in! No one wanted to miss a thing she had to share. I was honored to present her to the group. Although polished as one might expect of a speaker, she is so down to earth and our team members could really relate to her. Angela shared memorable tips for each of us to implement immediately. She had spoken at our leader’s luncheon recently as well, and we welcomed the opportunity to have her speak to our consultants again.
As a board member, I also arranged for her to be the guest speaker for a luncheon for the Women in Business, on behalf of the Donelson-Hermitage Chamber of Commerce. Still today, I get confirmation from attendees that they found the gift and it’s Angela! I can wholeheartedly recommend Angela Howell to speak at your upcoming event. You will be glad she did.”
– Debbie Trombley, It Works Global, Double Diamond Executive
“Angela, Thank you so much for speaking to my class today. You were so well-spoken, clear, and relatable. The students LOVED you!! You were awesome! Very impactful! You made the issue/reality of eating disorders come to life for my students. Thank you again!”
– Teresa Johnson, MSN, FNP-BC, Assistant Professor, Union University
“We thoroughly enjoyed having Angela Howell speak at our Cool Springs Rotary luncheon. Her talk was really a ‘gift’ and breath of fresh air. This type of speaking event can often be so full of fluff. It was refreshing to have someone willing to be transparent with what they’ve come through, to encourage others. Angela is spreading much-needed hope and inspiration for men and women! I recommend her wholeheartedly.”
– Casey T. Marshall, Cool Springs Rotary
“Angela Howell’s message is universal. Whether speaking to a young hip crowd, or to a group of seniors, her words hit home! She uses positive interpretations of common day occurrences with just the right touch of spirituality. This inspires us to shine a brighter light on our own rocky paths. Thanks Angela!”
– Jeanie Wynne, Key to the City
“Angela Howell recently spoke at one of our power Saturday Jump Start Conferences for select representatives on my doTERRA team. We had scheduled her to kick off the event and she more than delivered! Her keynote was the perfect “jump-start” to our day. I loved being able to offer my team an inspirational speaker who also happens to have industry-specific knowledge and success. Angela was able to tie in her message of hope and perseverance in a personal way. Knowing our agenda ahead of time, she also reinforced a few of the exercises we had planned to do later in the day. I would love to ask Angela to speak to my team again and am happy to refer her to other companies.”
– Gail Williams, doTERRA International, Team EssentiallyUSA
“Angela engaged over 250 students in the Gallatin, TN Shalom Zone Career Development program. The program was sponsored by the GAP Foundation. The students were engaged and interested as Angela shared her amazing journey of Finding The Gift!”
– PJ Davis, Executive Director, Gallatin Shalom Zone
What Attendees Are Saying:
“Your teaching was off the charts! You connected well with the audience, and your ability to share your personal experience by being so transparent is truly what made it not only interesting, but literally life-changing for those who struggle with eating disorders and other challenges. Many times people feel like they are all alone. But when they see a beautiful woman get up and share so openly, it really allows them to tear down the walls of denial and self hatred, and start to heal.”
– Maggie Kavanaugh
“I love the way you can verbalize your points through a story. Truly like painting on canvas, the story point becomes clear and quite beautiful! I am most likely to remember to ‘take time for … !’ Your talk lifted my spirit which is heavy right now. I will take care of me! Thank you, it was a wonderful evening!”
– Michelle Reedy
“I am amazed at how strong and powerful this delicate-looking lady is! Thank you for sharing and keep being the beautiful person you are!”
– Wanda Bills
“Every word Angela uttered resonated with me and inspired me to dream, take action and simply live the life I was born to live. I will remember everything, I am sure, and her book will serve as a reminder when I falter in putting into practice what I learned here today. This was an exceptional event. Thank you, Angela, for inspiring me and for the life-changing evening.”
– Iza Maria Rosa
“Angela is an inspiration for anyone who has faced adversity or felt stuck and not quite sure how to follow their dreams.”
– Lisa M
“Angela connected with me in so many ways. A lot of what she said was confirmation: meditating, journaling, manifest, overcoming lies. Why am I waiting? Clearly others have done this before me. Thank you for propelling me, Angela! I am the hesitant “second to last bird.” Thank you for inspiring us all! Your transparency and welcoming personality allow us to safely explore areas of ourselves that align with your experiences and suggestions. I am so thankful I came tonight!”
– Christy Swartzentruber
“The theme of breaking out of the nest is very timely for me at this point in my life. The recommendations you made to help turn dreams into goals are very helpful. Being mindful, finding a mentor, and writing dreams down are things I will make an effort to do more of. Thanks Angela!
– MH
“I love the idea of mindful meditation – feeling and acknowledging your senses. I liked what you had to say about alternate dream lives: don’t allow what you perceive as limitations to stop you. And the question, ‘What can I incorporate into my life now?’ Very nice. Thanks for sharing.”
– Anonymous
“Your early goals to get thin, get rich and get love really connected as all have been trouble for me. And I totally forgot about my childhood dreams. I now have some decisions to make. Do I still want them? This was a wonderful event. I’m glad you spoke. Thanks!”
– Chris Douglas
“I loved your point, ‘Ask! They just might say yes!’ And the reminder that what we need to fulfill us isn’t outside us. Thank you for sharing. I felt a lot of connection with your story, very inspiring.” – Jennifer Whitaker “I will remember to just ask, put myself out there and take a chance. Thanks Angela!”
– LeeAnn Ogle
“I will most remember the admonition to counter the negative inner voices and replace with the positive. Thank you for sharing your story and challenging us to strive for a better life of our dreams.”
– Chris Mahan
“What I’m most likely to remember: resistance is fear! This was a great night and very encouraging—just what I needed at this point in my life.”
– Stephanie Scott
“I loved your presentation and I’ve seen hundreds of them. I love your metaphor theme. We all have them. We just don’t pay attention!”
– Malinda Mansfield, Author and Speaker
“What I am most likely to remember and what will help me is that anything is possible, just begin. Thank you Angela, I enjoyed your talk.”
– Cindy K.
“Angela brings personal stories of heartaches that have been transformed into triumphs. Her lovely spirit shone brightly as she took the podium to share inspiration and wisdom applicable to all.”
– Catherine Caffey
“Very touching, inspiring message. There’s a lot of encouragement for others in your story.”
– Cristal Terry
“I was blessed and encouraged to hear Angela’s story. I know that my life can get better and her coaching program, “A Life Worth Having,” just might help that to happen!”
– Claire Heffington
“Inspirational message that spoke to several areas in my life. Thanks for sharing and I wish you much success.”
– Ila Foster
“Angela – Thank you for your powerful words today and for the inspiration! You are amazing.”
– Janet Kallam
” The Body Project helped me love and accept my body faster then ten therapy sessions!”
– Jessica K.
“I see how the Body Project has really opened my eyes. I would definitely recommend it to a friend.”
– Reyna T.
“I really enjoyed the Body Project. It has made me feel more confident and made me want to apply a few changes to my life.”
– Sierra T.
“Before the Body Project, I was already pretty confident in myself and my body. But the mirror exercise gave me a new perspective about who I am as a person.”
– Jamie K.