spiritual bike ride, tandem bicycle, surrender, letting go, enjoying the ride


On a walk early this morning, I saw a fascinating box on the curb (it’s trash day). Partly because of curiosity and partly because I am a salvager, I like to see what my neighbors are throwing away. The box had a picture on it which looked to be some kind of attachment that goes on an adult bike. It was more than the back half of a bike, actually it was everything but the front wheel.

The bike attachment had a pretend handlebar and a  long arm to connect it to the adult bike. Basically it would allow a child to feel like he was riding his bike but actually Mom or Dad would be steering and doing most or all of the work.

Immediately I saw a parallel between myself and what I believe about my relationship with God. I can choose what kind of spiritual bike ride I want to experience. I have my own handlebars and pedals. I have the illusion of control. If the bike starts going a different way, I can tighten my grip on my handlebars and grit my teeth, trying to keep going my own way.


I can accept the higher guidance and direction, relax and enjoy the ride. What if life really is as simple as enjoying the ride? Exploring new ground? Riding with complete trust in my driver that I’m going to see a lot of cool stuff and have a great experience along the way.

When we go bike riding, we start somewhere and finish somewhere that we could easily drive to much faster. We don’t though, because it’s about the ride, not the arrival. If the driver of my “bike attachment” takes what seems to be a detour, I will relax and look for the gift. If we hit a rock and the bike turns over, I know my driver is there to pick me up, dust me off, kiss the boo-boos (if I am not too proud), and we will get back on the bike and ride some more. I will look for areas where I am resisting and trying to control. I will let go and enjoy the ride.