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No, I have not finished my holiday shopping! Grrr … I mean, Happy Tuesday! Every year it seems I get more and more Grinch-like when December rolls around. Maybe that’s not fair. I’m not really a Scrooge and I have nothing against gifts. I just want to enjoy more of the simple, beautiful parts of the holidays and less of the should’s and have to’s. I’m convinced that the real wonder of the season is felt sitting quietly in front of a sparkling tree or a crackling fireplace, basking in the glow of gratefulness for life exactly the way it is, in that very moment.

Every year, the idea of going out to spend money we may not necessarily have to buy things that people don’t necessarily need or want—just to say we did or just to have presents under the tree—feels so forced and well, just not fun. I try to keep my opinion to myself because I feel I am in the minority. Clearly, many people absolutely love making their lists and checking them twice! If motives are pure, more power to them!

In my dream world we offer meaningful gifts to those we truly want to show love and appreciation for, and we don’t put our finances in jeopardy in the process.

Handmade cards and gifts count double! We stand firm against pressure to do things we really don’t want to do, or go places we really don’t want to go. Our well-being is more important than our people-pleasing. We set aside time and resources to help those less fortunate than us, allowing us the full, unparalleled experience of joy that comes from giving and touching a life. In my dream holiday, you are your best you, and I am my best me.

The truth is, every year I am more focused on finding the real gifts: love, peace, service and gratitude. And heart-felt connections with others who value the same. Will you join me in celebrating the silent wonders this holiday season? Please leave a comment and tell me what your dream holiday looks like!

P.S. If you have a Finding the Gift story, I want to hear it and so does the rest of our FTG community! Please send me a message. Not an FTG member? Look for the orange box to the right and sign up! I’ll send you a free eBook immediately, Ten Secrets to Finding the Gift!

P.P.S. If you are looking for a special gift for someone, check out the reviews on Amazon from those who have been touched by reading Finding the Gift.

P.P.P.S. (Is that too many P’s?) Well anyway, if you want to see one of my recent, early morning, Finding the Gift moments, check out this video. I was so taken by how perfect the scene looked and felt, I let my cinnamon rolls get cold while taking videos and pictures! That’s the thing about Finding the Gift: sometimes we may lose something, only to gain an even bigger reward! Enjoy!