FTG Blog Now Delivered to Your Inbox on Tuesday Mornings
Have you read Finding the Gift: Daily Meditations for Mindfulness and want more? Join the club! Sign up to receive a new meditation every Tuesday morning delivered right to your inbox.
Have you read Finding the Gift: Daily Meditations for Mindfulness and want more? Join the club! Sign up to receive a new meditation every Tuesday morning delivered right to your inbox.
From December 8 in "Finding the Gift: Daily Meditations for Mindfulness." Have you ever asked yourself, What do I need to get done today? In other words, what do I need to have finished today? Past tense. Fast tense. I do, and often. I just realized that reflects how I feel a lot of the [...]
What follows is an excerpt from my article recently published on Everyday Power Blog. Full article here. TED Talks are Miracle Grow for the body, mind and soul! They are cutting edge philosophy, psychology, science and insight, among many other wonderful “ideas worth sharing.” The very first TED Talks were posted online in July, 2006 [...]
I have been asked to develop this topic for Everyday Power Blog, a trusted source for inspiration and motivation. In doing so, I uncovered FIVE (5) KEY PAYOFFS for avoidance and the fears attached. Good news—there's a way to tip the scale! Read all the way through to see which of these may be hidden [...]
Happy New Year! Whew, it's been a while since I posted. Author talks and book events have kept me jumping, but I am so very grateful for the impact "Finding the Gift: Daily Meditations for Mindfulness" is making in people's lives and their perspectives. We're all in this together! January is the biggest month for [...]
Holidays are supposed to be a joy-filled, happy time with friends and family. Day after day of sparkling euphoria, right?! Don't we all long for the Norman Rockwell experience? What if after the timeless moments are captured, we showed each other what really goes on—the good, the bad and the ugly, and also the ordinary? [...]